Tuesday, October 1, 2013


When I was younger I grew like a weed. Seriously. I'm talking over 12cm in the course of 1 year. So as joints moved around, I was bound to sprain something. As it turned out, it was my left ankle in the school's long jump sand pit.
Because I didn't know about things like "physiotherapy", it never really healed properly and I sprained it another two years in a row in basketball.
The end of my basketball career was when I stopped spraining my left ankle and broke an ankle instead. My right ankle.
But I stopped growing, joint strength improved, and I have been ankle sprain-free for a beautiful 11 years.
Until last week.
Yep, I have been sidelined with an ankle injury. After all my twisting of feet on trail runs, I sprain it with a personal trainer doing step-ups. I told people it was a bench to give them better imagery, but I was actually doing step-ups onto a big truck tire (the same height as a bench). My left foot was on the tire and I was tapping up and down with my right foot as fast as possible. As I fatigued my left foot wobbled ever so slightly on the tire, causing me to lose my balance just a little.
That just-a-little loss of balance caused me to step down awkwardly, and over my ankle went. Instant pain!
My PT was not just any PT - he was an awesome PT. As it turns out, he had a spare pair of crutches in his house (hmm, I wonder if this happens a lot?) which I am still using a week later. He then drove me home in my own car so I didn't have to worry about trying to pick it up the next week.
An x-ray the next day revealed no broken bones. Just a "lateral ligament sprain". I felt a bit lame about the whole affair (har har).
I was on a trip to Uluru with a friend and I managed to do it all on crutches - nothing is impossible! I'm off to the physio today to hear the rehab plan and I'll keep you posted. But for now, I guess it means I'm sidelined for running.
For your entertainment, pictures of the injured site! See if you can figure out which foot is swollen. (Hint: It's the one with the weird stripes on it from the compression sock I was wearing.)

 Where'd the ankle go?

I don't remember hitting the tire when I collapsed, but the bruise on my shin tells me I must have.

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